News Items
Showing 10 news items per pageA minute's silence Monday 16 August 2021
The Town Mayor Councillor Miss Rachel Evans BEM will lead a minute’s silence at Sparrow Park on Monday morning as a mark of respect to those who have lost their lives in the tragedy that has taken place in Keyham, Plymouth. The silence will take place at 11.00am, at the same time as the city of Plymouth, who are uniting to mourn and reflect on the recent devastating events.
INVITATION TO TENDER Preparation of Heritage Assessment Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Town Council is seeking quotations to undertake the preparation of a Heritage Assessment of the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan. More details are available from the Town Clerk with all tender documentation uploaded here. Deadline for submission of tender is midday on Friday 13th August 2021.
Read full news itemClosure Intention - Fore Street to Tamar Street, Torpoint
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Cornwall Council have requested to close the following road(s) to carryout works to their apparatus. Location: Fore Street to Tamar Street, Torpoint Timing: 11th October 2021 to 22nd October 2021 (19:00 to 06:00 hours) Contact: Cornwall Council - Tel: 0300 1234 222 or Please click the following link for a map: Tel: 0300 1234 222
Read full news itemTorpoint Environmental Action Design a Logo Competition

Competition to design a logo for TEA - Torpoint Environmental Action - committed to protecting our environment. Your logo must be A4 size and a drawing, painting, or a sketch. Entrants must be under 18. Full Terms and Conditions are available here.
Read full news itemCornwall Council 'Re-Wilding' Programme
update on CC Verge Cutting Programme
Read full news itemTown Council bids a fond farewell to Marion

The Town Council was sad to announce the retirement of Marion Cocks as a long term employee.
Read full news itemInterested in becoming a Councillor.....?
Read full news itemTown Council Budget Statement 2021 - 2022
To coincide with the arrival of the latest Council Tax documents for 2021-22, the Town Council would like to share the financial plans for the forthcoming year and provide information on future projects and spending. The attached statement was compiled in December 2020 in preparation for the new Budget and we are delighted to confirm the Play Parks have now been transferred from Cornwall Council to Town Council control.
Read full news itemPostal Voting
Postal Voting - With Local Elections due to take place on 6th May 2021 you may wish to register for postal voting. You can get the relevant forms to print and complete from the Cornwall Council website or collect a hard copy from either the Town Council Offices, 1-3 Buller Road, or the Library & Community Hub. Completed forms will need to be returned to the Cornwall Council address on the form by 5pm on Tuesday 20th April in order to ensure you can vote on 6th May. You must also make sure you are registered to vote by midnight on Monday 19th April.
Read full news itemInvitation to Tender for Repairs to Ellis Monument, Sparrow Park, Torpoint
Invitation to Tender for Repairs to Ellis Monument, Sparrow Park, Torpoint
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